Designation: Professor
Specialization: Inorganic Chemistry
Field of Interest: New Materials, Synthesis, and characterization of ferrocene derivatives and ferrocene-based materials, Synthesis and characterization of Transition Metal complexes
Phone: +92-51-90642111
Links: Google Scholar | ResearchGate
Dr. Zareen Akhtar is serving as Professor at the Chemistry Department of Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. She obtained her doctoral degree from University of Cambridge, UK. Her research interests include synthesis and characterization of ferrocene derivatives, ferrocene based materials and transition metal complexes. She is among the top 10 female Productive Scientists of Pakistan according to Pakistan Council for Science and Technology 2015. She is a Fellow of Cambridge Commonwealth Society and a Member of the Chemical Society of Pakistan.
- Middle Standard Scholarship Awarded by Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Islamabad.
- Roll of Honour in B.Sc.
- Merit Certificate in M.Phil.
- University Merit Scholarship in M.Sc. and M.Phil.
- Merit Overseas Research Scholarship and Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship for Ph.D.
- John Crawford Scholarship from Australian Govt. for Ph.D. (not availed).
- Research Productivity Award-2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2014-2015 on the basis of research achievements in the respective years.
- Instrumental Methods of Analysis
- Chemical Crystallography
- Inorganic Chemistry-IV
- Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory-III
- Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory-II
- Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory-I
- Analytical Chemistry Laboratory-II
- Advanced Inorganic/Analytical Chemistry Laboratory-IV
- Research project in Analytical/Inorganic Chemistry
- Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry
- Inorganic Materials Chemistry
- Diffractional Methods of Analysis
- Organometallic Chemistry
- Review Paper
- Seminar
- Research project in Analytical/Inorganic Chemistry
- ...
Synthesis, Characterisation, and Biological Activity of some Transition metal complexes with Mefnamic Acid.
Donar Agency: URF, Project for the Department of Chemistry:
Duration: 1999-2000
Role: PI
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